5 Simple Ways to Live an Eco-Friendly Life

These simple changes in your daily routine will help you live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think.

  1. Cut your time in the shower.
    Yes, the water is very inviting, but try to cut your usual shower time by a minute and you’ll be surprised how much of an impact it makes! On the average, a typical shower head uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute, so that’s almost 2,000 gallons per year (assuming you shower twice a day)!
  2. Walk or bike whenever you can.
    You can reduce your carbon footprint significantly if you choose to walk or bike short distances. It may be going to work, or going to nearby shops, or running errands. Walking/biking is a form of exercise, too, and unlike the gym, it doesn’t cost anything!
  3. Use reusable, non-plastic water bottles.
    Fight the urge to buy plastic water bottles for convenience. Sure, they are inexpensive and disposable, but they pack a lot of negative effects on our health and the environment. Opt for a reusable water bottle instead to bring to your office or gym.
  4. Go digital and paperless.
    Since almost everyone is online nowadays, take advantage of technology to save on paper. Most utility companies offer paperless billing, which delivers your bills straight to your inbox. Emails and SMS are convenient ways to get documents and messages across. As much as possible, print documents when you really need to.
  5. Support eco-friendly establishments.
    Together, you can work hand-in-hand in promoting environmental preservation. At French Tips, we offer socially responsible services by using all-natural and organic, chemical-free, and cruelty-free products. We also observe eco-friendly practices such as hand-washing our laundry to conserve water and electricity.